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Painting the interior or exterior of your commercial property may breathe new life into its aesthetic, but the task can end up being more challenging than you ever imagined. This is precisely why it’s important to choose the right contractor to get the project finished correctly – the first time out of the gate. Enquire now for our industrial painters in Sydney.

We here at Prestige Coatings would like to share some tips for making the most out of your commercial painting budget, because painting is indeed the most cost-effective form of maintenance for any property manager or owner in that it can revitalise and change the space for the least amount of money.

Before we go into those tips, let’s go over a few basics: If you are in the market for attracting and retaining tenants, a fresh paint job may be the way to go. Our experts with many years of experience in the industry have noticed that a large majority of property managers provide repaints for tenants without an obligation to do so, because a fresh paint job every four or five years can go a long way toward maintaining client satisfaction and convincing tenants to stay for an additional term.

What’s more, property managers usually plan this service within one to two years of renewals while issuing a designer colour change, which equates to a designer being consulted to recommend a specific palette to accentuate a space. Take it from us: This significantly helps with renewing a tenant’s contract, and while there is a cost associated with it, there’s an enormous difference in the quality of the results.

The big thing to keep in mind during all these considerations is that when it comes to attracting new tenants, it’s the first impression that counts – and a quality paint job is vital to your creation of your commercial property’s first impression.

With that in mind, here are some factors to consider when wanting to make the most of your commercial painting budget.

Protecting Your Property – and Tenants

Maintenance of tenants’ and workers’ safety and health must always be considered during contracting jobs. Almost all commercial painter used today meet LEED standards and are of low- or no-VOC variants, rendering them safe to use indoors while clients and tenants are present. There are still some products used that exude powerful odours, but for the most part those are specialty products that are used after-hours or when no one is present.

It is important for your contractor to work with your tenants when coordinating the project, while exhibiting professional behaviour with consideration of the work environment always.

Cutting Costs

In getting the most out of your painting budget, one method of cutting costs revolves around painting while tenants are in the space, since after-hours work is always costlier. When it comes to exterior projects, it’s best to plan, get quotes and book projects early; exterior painting is one of the categories in high demand because many contractors simply don’t do this kind of work. Supply-and-demand dictate how high prices should soar, so to avoid being swept into a high-cost project, get a quote for your paint job when it’s “slow season.”

We’ve seen clients save up to 20-percent if tackling a project during this slow season.

Choosing the Right Contractor

Here’s what’s vital to remember in this category: A good contractor will treat tenants like their own clients and keeping tenants in mind while completing a project ensures all parties will be satisfied upon project completion.

We here at Prestige try to make tenants happy so that the property manager doesn’t have to worry about what’s happening on the job site; as a property manager, you want a contractor that brings that respect and mindset to the table. Furthermore, a good contractor will begin with a consultation followed by a detailed site inspection, and after that the painting company should be able to put together a detailed estimate to avoid any hidden costs for the customer.

You should also be looking for:

• A contractor to have full worker’s compensation coverage and liability insurance in the event of an accident.
• A contractor that cares about customer service and who is aware of budget, space or time limitations that are in place.
• A contractor who will end the contract with an inspection you conduct to ensure everyone’s satisfaction is met.
• A skilled contractor who will follow several steps to ensure a flawless paint job – including sanding and completely cleaning any rough areas, filling in nail holes and smoothing over any blemishes and finally caulking all gaps to create a solid seal.

When it comes to painting your property, there are ways to save while still getting the results you and your clients both deserve.

Related Tag: Commercial Painters SydneyStrata Painting Services

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