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Much like your phone software, houses need to be updated from time to time. If your home is looking rundown and needs a refresh, it’s time for a renovation. There are so many different projects you can undertake from painting to knocking down walls.
No matter what project you choose, however, you should consider your environmental impact. Every remodel you do should be an eco-friendly one. To lower your carbon footprint and plan an environmentally conscious renovation, use the tips below.

Work with Green Companies

During your project, you will work with a variety of professionals and companies from contractors to painters Sydney. When finding people to work with, one of the most important things you can do is ensure the company uses eco-friendly practices. Take your time and shop around for companies that share the same values you do.
You should, of course, also consider their experience, prices, knowledge, and past work. However, you should also figure out what they stand for as a company. Make sure they have a history of sustainable practices. Additionally, the Housing Industry Association in Australia offers a Green Smart certification to eco-friendly companies. Look for contractors with the Green Smart logo so you can be sure your project will be completed in an environmentally-friendly manner.

Make Upgrades for Energy Efficiency

There are certain changes you can make to your home to increase your energy efficiency. If you are replacing your appliances, purchase new ones that are more energy efficient. You can determine this by reading the label or looking for the Energy Star logo. This goes for a lot of large appliances like refrigerators, ovens, dishwashers, washing machines, and other appliances that use a lot of electricity. Energy efficient appliances will also save you money in the long term, costing less to operate regularly.
The paint you use on the exterior of your home can also contribute to its energy efficiency. For example, if the house painters Sydney use a lighter colour on your home, it will absorb less sunlight and your energy bills will be lower.

Include Sustainable Build Features

To create an environmentally friendly home, cleaner environment, and healthy atmosphere, consider installing green roofs, walls, and facades in your home. These features improve thermal performance and limit the need for heating and cooling. They can also prompt fresh air production, too.
You should also consider the type of windows you use in your project. The windows have a larger impact on the sustainability of your home than you may realize. Set aside a chunk of your budget to find the right windows for the home. Research windows and determine which type would provide the most energy efficiency in your home. Energy efficient windows will reduce your energy bills, make your home more comfortable, and reduce your carbon footprint, too.


If you are unsure which renovation project to undertake, consider adding insulation into your home’s walls, basement, and attic. Insulation can help keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. This simple project can have a massively positive effect on your energy costs and sustainability.

Cut Construction Waste

Prior to renovating your home, think about how you will manage the waste you create. No matter how large or small the remodel is, you will have waste to dispose of. It can be anything from bricks, timber, rubber, metal, and even hazardous materials. Consider the most sustainable way to get rid of your waste. Ask your painting services Sydney company how to properly dispose of unused paint. Recycle and donate everything that you can and keep all your options open. Remember, up to 40 percent of all waste comes from building sites, so try your best to cut down your environmental impact.

Deconstruct, Don’t Demolish

Does your home project involve tearing down walls or knocking out whole rooms? If so, talk a walk around the home and see if there’s anything you can salvage and re-use ahead of time. This is an eco-friendly step to take and it can save you money in the long-term, too. In most cases, there will be a lot of materials that you can re-use in your project. Look at everything from the fixtures to the flooring, bricks, moulding, and anything in between. For example, if you are removing a lighting fixture from the kitchen, consider installing it in your bathroom or bedroom instead.


If you really don’t want to keep and re-use your other fixtures and materials, donate them instead. Even if you don’t want to use them, someone else can. Bring these items to a local consignment or thrift shop. Ask a friend or family member if they want the items to put in their homes. If you are so inclined, you could even try to fix up and then sell the items you don’t want. If they don’t end up in a landfill, you will have lowered your carbon footprint.

Purchase Pre-Owned Materials

One cost-effective way to find materials for your remodelling project is by buying used items. These products are cheaper than new ones. Plus, this is an eco-friendlier method of buying them. Used products can also offer an added charm and warmth to your home that new items simply cannot. It does not matter what you are buying, purchasing used products is always better.
Search online or at local thrift stores and flea market for materials you can use in your next home project. Antique shops are great places to look for décor, fixtures, doorknobs, and even some materials. For more materials, consider looking at salvage yards.

Utilise Low VOC Paints

Low VOC paints are better for the environment than traditional types of paint. They are also healthier for you and your family. Talk to your house painters Sydney about this type of paint. You never know what sort of eco-friendly options the painting services Sydney will offer. Alternatively, you have the option of purchasing the paint on your own and asking the painters Sydney to use your eco-friendly paint.

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